Lindahl has assisted E.ON Energiinfrastruktur AB in the sale of the company's district heating business in Åkersberga, Österåker municipality, Sweden, to Solör Bioenergi Fjärrvärme AB. The divestment, which is part of E.ON's ongoing strategic review of its business portfolio, includes both the production facility and the district heating network in Åkersberga. The facility produces approximately 70 GWh of district heating per year.
Solör took over the business in December 2024, but E.ON will continue to operate the facility during a transition period.
Lindahl's team mainly consisted of Jesper Fredriksson, Annika Brandt, Tor Pöpke, Johanna Karlsson, and Per-Anders Bengtsson (responsible partner).
E.ON Energiinfrastruktur AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of E.ON Sverige AB, which in turn is owned by the international energy group E.ON SE, operating in 15 countries. E.ON is one of the larger district heating providers in Sweden.