Lindahl has assisted AegirBio AB (‘AegirBio’) in acquiring Abreos Biosciences Inc. and its wholly-owned French subsidiary Abreos France (jointly ‘Abreos’) and in the merger of AegirBio and LifeAssays AB (plc) (‘LifeAssays’).
The acquisition of Abreos is being transacted by means of a non-cash issue of 1,988,862 AegirBio shares. The merger of AegirBio and LifeAssays is done through an absorption under company law whereby LifeAssays’ shareholders are offered a 0.0616 share in AegirBio for each share they hold in LifeAssays.
Abreos is based in San Diego, California, USA, and focuses on so-called precision medicine. Abreos uses its Veritope Technology platform to produce novel peptide sequences (mimotopes) which immunologically mimic the molecules to which biological medicines are bound. This enables precise drug monitoring of surpluses or deficiencies in a patient’s blood and adjusting the treatment individually. Veritopes can also be quickly and cost-effectively developed for testing immune response to viruses and bacteria, e.g. for specifically measuring antibodies against COVID-19.
ÆgerBio is a Swedish diagnostics company which uses it unique patented technology platform to provide testing for monitoring and optimising the dosage of biological drugs. By merging with LifeAssays and acquiring Abreos, AegirBio has secured a world-leading technology platform for the products that will take AegirBio into the future and pave the way to new expansion opportunities on the world market.
Lindahl’s securities law team comprised Dennis Westermark, Monica Lagercrantz, Ola Svanberg and Gustav Ahlgren, while M&A expertise was provided by Henrik Nobel and Nicklas Bexelius.