Lindahl acted as an advisor when Norrköpings Tidningar Media AB (NTM), which currently owns Norrbottens Media, acquired Norran’s and Piteå-Tidningen’s media operations. The acquisitions mean that the newspapers Norrländska Socialdemokraten, Norrbottens-Kuriren, Norran and Piteå-Tidningen are now gathered under one new media company Norr Media AB, with a publishing area throughout Norrbotten and northern Västerbotten.
The publication of all the titles will continue as before and the newspapers will retain their current political direction. The purpose of the acquisitions is to develop the offer to readers and advertisers.
NTM is one of Sweden’s largest media groups with operations in Östergötland, northern Småland, Uppland, Gotland, Norrbotten and Sörmland. The company has a turnover of SEK 1.7 billion and approximately 1,300 employees. The head office is located in Norrköping.
Lindahl’s team consisted of Jörgen Sandström, Michael Edquist, Jens Frykstrand, Gild Englund and Carolin Martinez.