Lindahl has been legal advisor to ICA in connection to ICA Sweden signing an agreement with the British Ocado Group, that Ocado will provide a new and high-tech e-commerce solution to ICA. The e-commerce solution includes both a tailor-made e-commerce platform and an automation of ICA's planned e-commerce warehouse in the Stockholm region. ICA's investment over the next five years is a total of approximately SEK 1.1 billion.
"Lindahl is proud to have assisted ICA with such a strategically important project, which ICA has identified as central to ICA's future," says Johan Hessius.
“The assignment has entailed a fantastic challenge due to its legal complexity, however the assignment was solved thanks to an excellent collaboration with ICA's internal legal team, consisting mainly of Anna-Stina Arvidsson (principal, real estate/logistics) and Andreas Mellberg (real estate/logistics), and with the support of ICA's dedicated and knowledgeable employees in e-commerce/IT, real estate and logistics”, says Erik Bergenstråhle.
The Lindahl team consisted of Johan Hessius (responsible partner, M&A), partner Erik Bergenstråhle (strategic contract, IT/tech), lawyer Maria Hanbo (strategic contract, real estate/logistics), and partner Caroline Olstedt Carlström (data protection), as well as the assistant lawyers Sara Hovstadius (data protection, IT/tech) and Robin E. Göbel (strategic contracts, M&A).