Outsourcing used to concern cutting IT related expenses. Now, however, outsourcing includes not only IT, but rather entire business processes such as payroll, recruitment, sales, medical testing etc. This means that outsourcing is becoming an increasingly important tool for businesses to create competitive edge by focusing on its core competencies while other processes are managed by suppliers with such processes as their specialty.
Outsourcing involves the establishment of close and often long-term partnerships with one or more suppliers of sometimes critical business processes. This puts very high demands on the ability to negotiate and write agreements governing the parties' business relationship. Moreover, one is required to deal with labor law, competition law, procurement law and other legal issues that often arise in the outsourcing process. Sometimes the outsourcing supplier is based abroad, so-called near or off-shoring, which raises legal issues regarding the flow of personnel and information across national boundaries.
Lindahl has lawyers with extensive experience in outsourcing, both concerning IT as well as other business processes. Our expertise covers advice to both vendors and buyers of outsourcing services.